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Mr. "Vandal Lies My Heart" is our handsome male. He is a playful guy, with a pretty laid-back nature.  He is our constant companion and loves to travel, whether it's a quick drive to the local store or a beach vacation. His coat is so many different colors we have a hard time telling anyone what color he is, and it just keeps changing!  He is a very smart boy - sometimes too smart for his own good!  Vandal is very good-natured, fun and funny. He always has us laughing with his antics, and we love that his wonderful temperament can carry on in his pups!


“Honor - Love Your Enemies” is a Grand Champion boy that came to us after retiring from the show ring.  He has beautiful movement and structure along with a very quirky personality! We are enjoying getting to know this guy and are very excited to have him on board! We expect his puppies to be extra special just like he is!



Wild Child

Wild Child




"What's All The Ruckus About" is our newest male, with a gorgeous red nd white coat and a personality that is just as stunning!  He loves people and animals alike, and he is a happy-go-lucky wild and playful guy! He can run like the wind and never get tired too.




"In Cahoots with Calamity" is a darling chocolate green-eyed girl! She is a bit shy with new people, but is the most brave of the bunch when it comes to experiences that the others might be nervous about, like vet visits and grooming appointments. Her beautiful chocolate hair has only lightened slightly since she was a pup, and she produces that lasting dark chocolate in her pups as well. She has proven to be a wonderful wonderful mama, who has beautiful puppies!




Tsunami Warning" is the lovebug in this pack. She came to us just recently and owns our hearts already! She's a bit of a shy girl who doesn't like to be the first to try something new. If she is running outside she is constantly checking to make sure we are watching and cheering her on. She loves to carry her "babies" (don't worry, I mean small toys) around with her and makes a lot of noise so we will acknowledge that she and they are adorable.  She has quite the personality and is such a welcomed addition to this pack.


While "Silver Star Mon Cher" is new to our pack as well! she is a sweet and cuddly girl with a spirited and independent streak. She is content to spend her time on a lap with all the attention and pets, but when she is outside running she may be so busy exploring she forgets she loves laps the best!


"Whirling Dervish of Destruction" is our up-and-coming chocolate girl.  She is spunky and playful and can definitely live up to her name!  This little girl weighs in at 9.5 pounds, the smallest of our pack. She is smart and funny and picks things up very quickly!  Dizzy is happiest running at top speed through the grass and leaves. She brings a diverse pedigree with champion lines out of Poland. We are really excited to see what she will produce as a mama at the end of 2023.


"Absolute Lunacy" is another up-and-coming girl.  She is gorgeous red and white parti girl with personality plus!
We look forward to seeing what she will bring to the program with her diverse and championed pedigree and beautiful coat! She is our biggest girl weighing in at 12 pounds of solid muscle, but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at her! She is a sweet girl that is wild at heart and we expect her to have some beautiful puppies someday.

Meet Our Havanese: Males
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